Difference between Isolator and Circuit Breaker

The nature of the works of the Isolator and Circuit Breaker is the same, both are used to isolate the circuit from the connected supply. The operating characteristics of both the equipment are different and based on the requirement they are used in a different locations in electrical switchgear. What is Isolator? The isolator is … Read more

DC earth fault locator –Working Principle

DC earth fault locator is an instrument that is used to detect earth fault in a live DC system. DC system is used for the running of protection systems in substations, generating stations, communication & networking equipment, and other electronic devices. Due to cable insulation failure or wrong wire connection, the DC terminal can be … Read more

Why does Grading Capacitor use in Circuit Breaker?

Grading capacitor is commonly used in High Voltage Circuit Breaker for uniform voltage distribution across the Breaker contacts at CB open position. In a multi-break Circuit Breaker, Grading capacitors are connected in parallel with every break of the CB. Reasons for using Grading Capacitors in Circuit Breakers. When the capacitors are connected across the breaks … Read more

Backup impedance protection in Generator, Transformer & Reactor

backup impedance protection

In addition to the general protection, backup impedance protection or distance protection is also used in Generator, Transformer & Reactor to protect during external faults in the power system. Generally, impedance protection is most commonly used for the protection of transmission lines. When the Impedance value goes below the set value during the fault or … Read more

Difference between Earthing and Grounding | Earthing vs Grounding

The main difference between earthing and grounding is that – Under Earthing, the circuit is physically connected to the ground to flow circulating current or fault current of the circuit to the protection of the system, Under Grounding, the circuit is physically connected to the ground to discharge the electrical energy to earth for protecting … Read more