Difference between volts and amps | Volts vs amps

Volts and amps (ampere) are the two different measures of Electricity. In a close circuit, the electric potential difference between two points is called Voltage and the flow of electrons through the close circuit is called electric current. The volts is the measure of voltage between two points and amps is the measure of electric current through a close circuit. It is important to understand the difference between volts and amps to know the electricity.

Volts vs Amps: Difference

As shown in the picture, the voltage between points A and B is 10 volts. Due to the potential difference between points A & B, the current flow through the circuit is 2 Amps.

volts vs amps
Volts vs Amps

Voltage is denoted by V and the current is denoted by A, As per ohm’s low (V=IR), voltage and current are depends on each other.

The flow of current depends on the following conditions.

  1. Voltage difference: current is directly proportioned to the voltage at a constant resistance. When the voltage increases, the current also increases.
  2. Resistance: Current is inversely proportional to the circuit resistance. When resistance increases, the current decreases in the circuit.

Following are the Difference between volts and amps

Volts is unit for measurement of VoltageAmps is the unit for measurement of current
Volts is measured by a voltmeterAmps is measured by Ammeter
Volts is measure the potential difference between two points of a close circuitAmps measure the flow of current through the close circuit
Volts is denoted by VAmps is denoted by A
Voltammeter is required to be connected in parallel to measure volts in a circuitAmmeter is required to be connected in series  to measure amps in a circuit
To increase volts, the size of the wire does not require to increase.To increase ampere, the size of the wire requires to increase.

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